ACA Beats Tallassee with Strong Second Quarter

After losing by seven last week at Tallassee, the Eagles exacted a measure of revenge Friday night aided by a strong second quarter to win on their home court. ACA (7-4) outscored the visiting Tigers 20-9 in the frame to take a 32-21 lead into the locker room at the break. Tallassee’s top player was benched for the second half and the Tigers were never able to make a serious run at Alabama Christian.

When ACA held on to the ball in the first, they shot well as they hit five of nine shots in the quarter as five different players scored. However, five turnovers in the period kept the offensive chances at a minimum. Although ACA would hold an eleven point lead at the half, the home team held a slim one point lead with 3:21 left in the second. In the final three minutes of the half, the Eagles outscored Tallassee 12-2. The run was sparked by a Darius Gardner block which led to his score on the other end of the floor. A Jayden Jones steal and score on the next possession made it 24-19. Christian Snipes hit a three to stretch the lead to 27-19 and then blocked a shot on the defensive end before a Mac Moorer bomb made it 30-19. Tyree Saadiq finished the scoring with a putback on an offensive rebound to take a 32-21 lead.

The defense continued to clamp down on Tallassee in the third period as the Tigers hit just one of fourteen shots from the floor. Jayden Jones scored the first Eagle points of the quarter and the last to give ACA a 45-29 cushion after three. Tallassee picked up full court pressure in the fourth and double teamed Saadiq to try and keep the ball out of his hands, but ACA handled it as the lead stayed double digits through the quarter. The final margin was eleven points in the 54-43 victory.

Mac Moorer led the team with 14 points and added three rebounds. Jayden Jones finished with 12 points while Connor Mark had nine with four rebounds and two blocks. Tyree Saadiq once again led the team with twelve rebounds and six assists.

A week ago, the Eagles won a hard fought game against Tallassee 46-40, On Friday night, two key players were out due to injury and illness. The squad missed Katelyn Sutton’s floor leadership and ball handling and Annabelle Pugh’s fierce defense and competitive spirit. The defense suffered the most as the Tigers scored 65 points on the night. ACA scored 53, just above their season average.

The Tiger pressure rattled Alabama Christian in the beginning, but an 11-0 run midway through the first put ACA ahead 13-6. Jaide Newkirk led the surge with seven of the eleven points as she hit from inside and outside. The Tigers responded and scored the final seven points of the quarter for a 13-13 tie after one. WIth 3:38 left in the half, Tallassee sank two free throws to break a tied score and would never trail again. The visitors led 25-22 at the half.

In the third, the Tigers got hot and outscored ACA 19-10 to take a 44-32 lead into the fourth. Back to back scores by Jaide Newkirk and Izzy Warrick to start the fourth quarter closed the lead to eight points, but it was as close as ACA would get. Over the next four minutes, the Tigers outscored the Lady Eagles 13-3 to extend the lead to 57-39. Alabama Christian never gave up and cut away at the lead as best they could, but in the end Tallassee prevailed, 65-53.

Jaide Newkirk was the game’s top scorer with 24 points along with 12 rebounds and two blocks. Izzy Warrick had 18 points with five rebounds and five assists. Campbell Hammett finished with nine points and five rebounds.

Alabama Christian’s final game before the Christmas break is at Thomasville on Saturday, December 16th.