In the last feature of the year, we look back 25 years to the 1996 softball team which was the first full year of fast pitch for ACA. We caught up with Tara Hyte to talk about her time at Alabama Christian and what she is doing these days. The Lady Eagles finished 26-11 and made it to the Sub-state round in ‘96. Hyte led the team in walks and finished second on the team in batting average, hits, double, triples, sacrifices, slugging percentage and on-base percentage and had a 15 game hitting streak during the season. Her marks in batting average, walks and on-base percentage still rank in the Top 10 for a season.


What year did you graduate from Alabama Christian? 1996

What grades did you attend at Alabama Christian? 6th-12th

What is your favorite memory of Alabama Christian?There are so many memories that I cherish, but one my favorite memories was being able to coach and be a part of the Little Dribblers, I always enjoyed working with the younger kids and them always being all smiles while playing basketball.

What is your favorite softball memory? So many to choose from but it would have to be winning the first State Championship (in 1995) for softball. That was a great day and I remember that game like it was yesterday. Coaches and teammates were all so amazing and I can’t say enough about them. I remember them announcing that our baseball team had just won the State Championship while we were still playing. Shortly after that I reember looking in the stands and seeing the baseball team coming to support us. We brought home two State championships that day!

Who took you under their wing when you joined the varsity team? So I was able to try out when I was in 7th grade and the player that I would say did this would be Donna Zorn, who was a senior. She played shortstop and I was on second, we developed a great friendship that I will forever be grateful for. She was always so kind, positive, and encouraging to everyone, a true leader. She wore the number 13 and after she graduated I then started wearing the number 13. I always looked up to her. 

Who was your most memorable teammate? This is a tough one because all of them hold such a special place in my heart, but if I have to name one, it would have to be Lauren Russell. There are not enough words to say what kind of person, teammate and friend she was. 

What teacher/coach had the most influence on you? Coach Ainsworth, she always was there and helped guide me through not just softball, but life while I was at ACA. I will always be thankful for her and all she taught me in every way, but all of my coaches and teachers had an influence on me in such positive ways.

Did you continue playing softball after high school? I played softball at Huntingdon College my freshman year and then went on to play at Georgia Southwestern University.

Where do you currently live? I live in Ellaville ,GA.

What do you do for a living? I work as a nurse at Magnolia Manor Rehab.

Rapid Fire

Favorite TV show or movie : This Is Us

Dream vacation spot : Hawaii

Person I most admire : My parents, although they are both deceased, not a day goes by that I don’t admire them and thank them for everything they taught me, how they loved me and what all they did for me. I strive to be like them everyday. 

Early morning or late night person : Used to be a late night person, but now I would have to say early morning most days.

Alabama or Auburn (or other) : War Eagle, of course!!!

We hope you have enjoyed these visits with former athletes this year and we look forward to catching up with more alumni next year. Join us in September as we highlight a member of the 2011 football team.